Stop bread ‘going bad’ in hot weather with ‘best’ storage tip

Bread has a short shelf life like most baked goods and starts to go off just days after it’s been made.

While many people know that keeping bread in a cool, dark place is the best way to make it last longer, this can be harder to do in the summer months.

According to experts, soaring temperatures and high humidity can make even the bread bin an undesirable place to keep this popular food item.

The dark wooden containers may be made specifically for baked goods, but they’re not so effective when the surrounding air is warm.

And while it may seem like a good idea to keep bread in the fridge instead, a food expert warned against this too.

Fresh bread belongs in a cool place to prevent mould, and the same goes for sliced, pre-packaged kinds too.

When temperatures are normal and humidity levels are average, bread is best stored in a closed container, which is not hermetically sealed.

However, once it has been sliced, or the kitchen is warmer than normal, the baked dough should be stored a little differently.

According to German nutrition expert Birgit Brendel, ceramic and pottery containers are the best way to store bread, as they’re breathable and will allow for the exchange of air and humidity. 

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This will prevent mould from growing and help keep the bread from “going bad”.

Of course, the fridge provides cool conditions for baked goods, but it can be detrimental to their texture and flavour.

When the bread is kept at low temperatures, around 0C or below, the moisture rises to the surface of the crust where it evaporates, leading to changes in the weight and flavour.

Paper and plastic bags should be avoided during warm weather as they don’t allow air circulation which is essential for the shelf life of bread.

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According to Birgit, plastic bags slow down how quickly the bread dries out, which increases the risk of moisture accumulating and mould setting in.

The moisture within the bread is also more likely to evaporate and get trapped in the plastic, causing it to become a breeding ground for germs.

Paper bags from bakeries aren’t ideal either as they draw moisture out of the bread, leading it to dry out more quickly.

For optimum results, sliced bread should be stored with the cut side down to keep it fresh longer.

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