Royal chef shares Queen Elizabeth II’s odd method of eating pears

When it comes to eating fruit, it doesn’t get much easier than a pear. However, according to one royal expert, Queen Elizabeth II had a very unique way of going about it.

Darren McGrady, who previously served as a chef for the Royal Family, namely Queen Elizabeth II, Princess Diana, Prince William and Prince Harry, told Recipes Plus how the late Queen ate this particular fruit.

Rather than biting straight into it as most of us would – or chop it into a fruit salad – the Queen would opt for another method.

Darren McGrady said: “She eats her pears like boiled eggs. She’ll cut off the top and scoop out the insides with a spoon.”

Unsurprisingly, the Queen acted with grace and decorum at all times, even when she was snacking and getting in her five a day.

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Indeed, Darren shared: “There is no eating like a monkey at Buckingham Palace.”

Queen Elizabeth II also ate her bananas in a rather peculiar fashion, a far cry from the simple peeling and biting the rest of us do.

Darren shared that while the late Queen absolutely loved fresh fruit, there were some foods she simply would not touch.

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According to the royal insider, the Queen did without starches, potatoes or pasta – aside from at dinner parties and on special occasions.

The monarch, who lived to the grand old age of 96, ate a very healthy diet, with a daily eating menu typically consisting of grilled fish or chicken with two types of vegetables, plus lots of salad.

There were some ingredients she did not care for, including garlic and “too many” onions.

The Queen liked her meat served well done, so rare meat was a no-go. When Sunday lunch rolled around for a decadent roast dinner, the chefs would ensure the ends were cooked perfectly for her majesty, as this was the part of the meat she always took.

But despite having her preferences, the Queen wasn’t a foodie, Darren McGrady said. Her approach to eating was rather practical instead, which is where she differed from her husband.

Despite likely having sampled some of the world’s finest cuisine. When they were still alive, Darren claimed that “she eats to live while Prince Philip is the one who lives to eat”.

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